January 22, 2025


An Unmanned Community

ArduPilot-Based Miniature Open Source Drone Platform Unveiled

CubePilot Ecosystem Ardubee open-source droneCubePilot Ecosystem Ardubee open-source droneCubePilot has unveiled the Ardubee, a miniature multipurpose drone platform compatible with the CubePilot Ecosystem and incorporating the same H7 MCU flight controller as the Cube autopilot.

In addition to the autopilot, the CubePilot Ecosystem includes a variety of accessories and carrier boards developed with significant support from the drone community and industry. ArduBee is based on the well–known ArduPilot open–source firmware, allowing users to quickly get up and running with a versatile and well-documented development platform.

Ardubee was originally created as a Kickstarter-funded project by LuminousBees. CubePilot purchased the Ardubee project and, following over a year of development and optimization, enhanced the design significantly.

Ardubee is a lightweight modular platform featuring a dual-core wifi module, IMU, compass, barometer, GPS and other well-balanced high-quality electronic components. The palm-sized platform is ideal platform for education, research, and other applications such as swarming drone light shows. It can also be used to develop other unmanned vehicles including UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles), USVs (unmanned surface vehicles) and UUVs (unmanned underwater vehicles).

Components and specifications of the Ardubee platform include:

ESC (electronic speed controller): AM32
IMU: ICM42688-P & ICM20948
Compass: ICM20948
Battery: 1 or 2 li-ion 18650
Wi-Fi: ESP32
GPS: u-blox M10
Camera: OV2640 2 megapixel
External connections: USB, 3.3V and 5V power, 2x PWM/servo, 2x serial, 2x CAN, 1x SPI, 1x I2C
