October 4, 2024


An Unmanned Community

Counter-Drone Technology Supports Remote ID

EnforceAir counter-drone systemEnforceAir counter-drone system

D-Fend Solutions has confirmed that its EnforceAir counter-small unmanned aerial systems (C-sUAS) technology supports the legislation rule recently passed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that requires remote identification for large categories of drones in the U.S. The technology is Remote ID-ready in the U.S., Europe and Asia.

EnforceAir offers a variety of identification capabilities including unique ID per serial number, accurate location information for the drone and ground station, and additional identification parameters. The system will provide customers with updated identification information following the adoption of the law by various drone manufacturers. System operators can see the remote IDs of detected drones via EnforceAir’s intuitive graphical user interface, offering law enforcement agencies and other organizations greater visibility and data.

Zohar Halachmi, Chairman and CEO of D-Fend Solutions, commented: “The entire drone ecosystem should benefit from the FAA’s rule, including drone manufacturers, who have a vested interest in ensuring that their products are not used for illegal purposes; law-abiding drone operators, who will be able to fly their drones over certain crowds and at night; and law enforcement personnel, who will obtain important information from leading counter-drone technologies about drones and operators involved in dangerous or hostile incidents.”

“D-Fend is honored that our technology has been tested, selected and trusted by top tier U.S. government agencies and we will continue to work with them to reduce the drone threat, while ensuring our continued system evolution includes the functionality required by new rulings.”

Michael Huerta, former Head of the FAA and current D-Fend Solutions’ Advisory Board Member, stated: “This new rule by my former colleagues at the FAA is an important step in better regulating drones in the United States. I strongly believe in D-Fend’s mission to support today’s drone-powered society by making it safer and more secure, which this rule and D-Fend’s technology will help facilitate.”

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