January 16, 2025


An Unmanned Community

Drone Remote Identification Service Launched in Switzerland

ANRA Technologies drone remote IDANRA Technologies drone remote ID

ANRA Technologies, in conjunction with the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) and Swiss U-Space Implementation (SUSI), has launched its SmartSkies DroneID service that can be used to remotely identify unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) anywhere in Switzerland. The service can be accessed on any mobile phone or computer browser.

SmartSkies DroneID provides varying levels of access to drone information based on user permissions, protecting operator privacy while also ensuring the safety and compliance of drone operations. It currently enables public safety organizations to identify drones operating in their vicinity by providing the drone registration number and mission information, while additional drone pilot details are available to qualified authorities upon request. The platform will be opened to the general public in the near future.

SmartSkies DroneID is being deployed in Switzerland as part of a nationwide cloud-based Network Remote Identification (NET-RID) service implemented by SUSI, a public-private partnership formed to safely and securely integrate drones into the nation’s airspace. The NET-RID service complies with the ASTM F3411 standard for Remote ID and Tracking, ensuring that that data is secure and only necessary information is shared.

ANRA has also developed a Discovery and Synchronization Service (DSS), which enables UAS (unmanned aerial systems) suppliers to discover with whom they need to share data and ensures that they have a current and consistent view of shared data for safety-critical information while protecting operator privacy. ANRA is hosting one of the only two DSS instances enabling this nationwide Remote ID service.

Amit Ganjoo, CEO of ANRA Technologies, commented: “The Network Remote ID service is designed to support transparency while protecting the data of drone operators and customers. ANRA is thrilled to have been able to help address the technology challenges to help gain public trust.”
