January 2, 2025


An Unmanned Community

Embention Develops Autopilots Components for UAVs

Embention, a leading developer of autopilots and high-performance components for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and unmanned systems, has partnered with Unmanned Systems Technology (“UST”) to demonstrate their expertise in this field. The ‘Silver’ profile highlights the company’s aviation-grade solutions designed for the most challenging of professional applications, including UAM (urban air mobility) and eVTOL platforms.

Drone autopilot systemDrone autopilot systemEmbention provides miniature aviation standards-compliant autopilots for unmanned and autonomous vehicle platforms, such as UAVs, UGVs, USVs and eVTOLs.

In addition, the company has also developed hardware- and software-in-the loop simulators for efficient testing and development.

gcs drone ground stationgcs drone ground stationRugged ground control stations (GCS) for Embention’s Veronte autopilot-enabled UAVs and unmanned vehicles are available in tablet or laptop versions. Cross-platform software provides intuitive mission planning and flight monitoring.

Embention’s gyro-stabilized drone camera gimbals feature dual visible and thermal capabilities, with HD and FLIR IR cameras. Providing a high degree of accuracy and superior drone gimbal camera gimbal 30Zdrone gimbal camera gimbal 30Zimage quality, the gimbals incorporate integrated encoder sensors.

Electronic speed controllers (ESCs) have been specifically designed for eVTOL and UAM applications and have been developed according to DO178C and DO254 certification standards for the utmost in safety and reliability.

Embention’s high-performance drone tracking antenna system provides long-range telemetry and video communications for moving vehicles (UAVs, UGVs, USVs). Embedded sensors and encoders ensure precision pan & tilt positioning accuracy.

Uav tracking antennaUav tracking antennaThe Veronte Tracker 26NM features integrated directional and omnidirectional antennas, and can be equipped with a wide range of directional antennas, including yagi, parabolic grid and patch antennas.

The modular system can also be fitted with custom radio modules and amplifiers, making it compatible with all possible operating frequencies.

Drone-Autopilot-Expander-Modules 2Drone-Autopilot-Expander-Modules 2Expansion modules for the Veronte drone autopilot system allow USB sticks and additional I/O capabilities to be installed within the ecosystem. A wide range of accessories are also available, including antennas, extension cables and harnesses, motor controllers and power supplies.

To find out more about Embention and their drone autopilots and components, please visit their profile page: https://www.unmannedsystemstechnology.com/company/embention/
