Philadelphia (Aug 2020) – Federal, State, and local law enforcement as well as the Department of Defense (DoD) and First Responders have been looking for an iPhone based TAK application for years.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) received the requirement for this capability and tasked Syzygy Integration LLC who responded with building the iTAK 2.0, a government off the shelf (GOTS) system. iTAK 2.0 is an innovative application built with an intuitive interface and leveraging the modern iOS security framework. Syzygy’s approach to iTAK 2.0 has been to leverage the latest innovations across the iOS platform to rapidly deliver new capabilities in an easy to use application.
iTAK 2.0 fills critical situational awareness gaps in operations such as Humanitarian and Disaster Response (HADR), National Security Special Events (NSSE), Counter Terrorism and Law Enforcement Activities. iTAK 2.0 can be deployed on any iOS platform giving users a modern, simple interface. iTAK 2.0 is also fully interoperable with the Internet of TAK: ATAK, WinTAK, TAKServer.
Syzygy developed iTAK 2.0 under contract from DHS S&T in response to urgent operational needs. “iTAK has been a great collaborative effort between DHS S&T and Syzygy Integration. iTAK will fill gaps on everything from hurricane response efforts to national special security events. We are happy to lean forward and get as much capability in the hands of those that keep us safe.” said Syzygy’s President and Founder, Wesley Mitchell.
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