September 8, 2024


An Unmanned Community

New Drone Remote ID Module with Wi-Fi BLE

Aerobits idME PRO remote ID moduleAerobits idME PRO remote ID moduleAerobits has launched the idME Pro, the most advanced member of the company’s family of Remote ID modules for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). The new module provides enhanced identification and tracking, with a low SWaP (size, weight and power) footprint that allows it to be integrated into small drone platforms.

The idME Pro utilises both Wi-Fi (NAN and Beacon frames) and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy, which supports Bluetooth 4.0 and 5.2) to provide surveillance and drone operator identification capabilities via modern mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The device can be easily connected to a Pixhawk drone controller via a JST connector, and can also be optionally equipped with a GNSS reciever and antenna.

For full operation, a position source (along with other parameters) is required, which is obtained directly from the MAVLink protocol. AT commands provide the ability to configure broadcast messages, such as drone identification number, type of aircraft, etc.

idME PRO has been developed in compliance with the newest versions of the ASTM and ASD-STAN documents concerning Remote ID.
